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EOSEX - Semi-decentralized EOS-based Exchange

Bitcoin had initiated Proof of Work (PoW) before Proof of Stake was launched. EOSex is however pleased with the latest kid on the block – Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS); an offshoot of the EOS blockchain.
The project’s interest in EOS is not far from the fact that some member of its team had been fans of EOS. EOSex was meant to be upgrade to the former and as crypto trades mount, the project also positions itself as exchange for all digital assets.

About EOSex

As an early and enthusiastic supporter of the EOS platform, the EOSex project team registered the domain name,, way back in 2017 in anticipation of the coming explosive growth in the EOS ecosystem. Now, with EOS already off and running, the EOSex has also successfully gone live! The EOSex team members include solid professionals from across the fields of blockchain, finance, IT, and law, and are backed by well-respected heavyweight blockchain investors (such as Broad Harvest Capital) who have all come together to create a global exchange that is secure, self-governing, high-performance, and transparent. The exchange uses a mining system that has been specially designed to prevent the types of massive collapses that have already been seen on other exchanges. Plus, EOSex is truly community-based--a true DAC, where 100% of exchange profits are distributed back to all EXP (EOS Exchange Proof) token holders, and where all EXP token holders have a say in exchange policies, in voting for new listings, and participating in other exchange programs and promotions. EOSex is designed from the ground up to be a fair, open, and transparent exchange. In addition to the trading of cryptocurrencies, EOSex will also offer trading in CFDs, as well as on-chain token trading—thereby satisfying the needs of all types of investors.
EOSEX is a newcomer to the world of EOS-based exchanges and bills itself as "semi-decentralized" exchange, meaning you do not have control over the private keys for the tokens (like Binance).
At the moment, I can only see three trading pairs, ETH-EOS, EOS-USDT and ETH-USDT. They also have their own token, of course, called EXP, but that is not listed yet.
While confusing, it is unique in that it offers returns of 100% of commission fees back to traders of their EXP token, which therefore gives 100% of those profits back to EXP token holders. You can also "mine/stake" with this token in your account and gain returns.
They do take security very seriously, with not one but two types of 2FA, which they really try and get you to enable once you've logged into the site.
EOSEX is also trying to create a truly fair, open and community-based exchange that is owned by every EXP token holder. In this way, I think they are trying to meet their self-defined meaning of "semi-decentralized."

Project Highlights:

  • Listing Process for EOS-Platform Tokens:
    We intend to list high-quality EOS-platform tokens with new tokens listed in cycles of 15 days. The top-5 tokens that have the highest proportion of tokens deposited with EOSex relative to the total number of tokens in circulation, will receive automatic listing on EOSex.
  • Listing Process for other Tokens:
    New listings will be chosen from a coting process that is different from other exchanges. EXP token holders will be given voting rights based on the number of tokens held and the number of days held, and the EXP tokens will not be destroyed during the voting process. For each voting period, the top-3 projects will automatically qualify for listing.
    Voting Power = Number of EXP Tokens held x Number of Days Held
  • Support for Trading of Financial Products:
    Naturally, EOSex supports spot trading in cryptocurrencies. However, once the platform achieves a certain level of volume, stability, and security, we will begin introducing new financial products for trading in underlying based on equities, forex, commodities, etc. Thus, we will become a global exchange for a full range of trading products. Naturally, this will generate ever-larger revenues for EOSex, which, as always, is 100% distributed back to EOSex token holders (EXP).
  • Mining Rules:
    Total number of tokens available for mining is 3 billion. Once all such tokens have been distributed, the mining program will end. “Mining” describes the process whereby 100% of trading fees are rebated back to the user in the form of EXP tokens. The value of EXP to be distributed each day will be based on the price at 6:00pm Hong Kong Time, and will then be immediately distributed.
  • Profit-Sharing:
    Calculation of Profit Distribution for EXP token holders:
    Total income for the day x EXP tokens relative to the total number in circulation
  • Daily Profit-shareing Cutoff Time:
    Each day, at 8:00pm Hong Kong Time, the total value of all commissions received for the previous 24 hours will be calculated and then corresponding value of EXP tokens will distributed to all EXP token holders. Any EXP token holder who has not logged in within the last 24 hours, automatically forfeits their distribution for that day.
  • Buy-back Process:
    Profit Distributions to the EXP Tokens held by the EOSex team are used to buy back EXP tokens from the market after which those EXP tokens are permanently taken out of circulation by being sent to a dead address. Such buybacks will cease once the total circulation of EXP tokens shrinks to 5 billion. EOSex maintain a separate web page where up-to-date figures will be published for total number of EXP tokens in circulation, mining volumes, number of tokens bought back, number of tokens destroyed.
  • Token Destruction:
    Commissions received from trades among EXP group trading pairs will be automatically be taken out of circulation by being sent to a dead address. In future, the EXP community make decisions on commission rates for EXP group trading pairs.

EOSex is now in Partnership with Starteos & EOSBet

The exchange is also user-friendly especially if you are new to exchange site .




EOSex is reinventing crypto exchanges. Mapping of real-world assets such as gold and agricultural products is one step that will position the platform for bullish adoption against existing exchanges.

Learn more about EOSex with the links below:


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